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How To Set Up 2-Factor Authentication In Comcast Email?

Comcast email offers two-factor authentication through the Xfinity Authenticator application. The two-factor authentication acts as an additional layer of feature to provide more security to the Comcast email account. The Xfinity authenticator application is available in English and Spanish for iOS and Android devices.

The two-step verification, also known as recovery options, acts as a security measure that protects the email account from online access. If you want to enable two-factor authentication in your Comcast email account, you can go through this complete article to get complete instructions.

This is designed to provide security to users’ data, so it also keeps a secure process to enter into the loop verification. It will ask for a verification code each time you sign in with your device. But it also gives the facility to save the password so that it will not ask again and again, which implies that you only need to enter the verification code when the user signs in with another device.

How To Set Up Xfinity Authenticator?

If you enable two-factor authentication in Comcast email account, then you will be asked to provide the verification code each time you log in to your email account. However, you can also opt for option to not require the code for future sign-ins from that particular device.

Let’s look at the steps you can perform to set up Xfinity authenticator on your email account.

Step 1: First, you must install the Xfinity Authenticator application on your mobile device from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

comcast 2 step verification,

Step 2: Launch the application after installing it, and select the “Register With Xfinity” option.

comcast registration 
comcast email support

Step 3: Now, you can use your Xfinity login credentials to sign in to your account.

comcast email login

Step 4: If you previously enabled the two-step verification code, you will be asked to provide that code.

Step 5: After that, you will be asked to set up account recovery options, which include your mobile number and a non-Comcast email address.

comcast email verification

Step 6: Now, you will receive a text message on the phone number that you have provided above.

xfinity login

Step 7: Moving ahead, provide that verification code in the insert field and click on the “Next” option.

Step 8: Once you have verified your phone number and alternative email address, your device will be registered with the Xfinity Authenticator application.

Two step verification

Step 9: Now, a pop-up message will appear on the screen, prompting you to allow device notifications to approve the sign-in requests.

Step 10: You must allow the notifications if you want to set up two-factor authentication through a Yes/ No button notification, finger ID, or facial recognition. Otherwise, you will be asked to use a six-digit code to sign in to the Xfinity Authenticator application.

Step 11: You can also view and update the registered devices on your Comcast email account.

Set Up 2-factor Authentication in Comcast Email

By performing the above-mentioned steps, you have now successfully set up 2-factor authentication in Comcast email account.

How To Manage Two-Step Verification Contact Details?

Let’s take a look at the steps that you can follow to manage or change the two-step verification contact details associated with your email account:

  1. Firstly, sign in to your Comcast account with your ID, login password, and verification code. 
  2. After that, click on the “Users” tab option, which is available at the top of the page. 
  3. Now, select the user which you want to update, and then click on the “Edit” option available next to the user.
  4. Move to the contact details section, and again click on the “Edit” option next to the phone number or email address.

Important: Deleting your email address or contact details will automatically disable the two-factor authentication in your Comcast email account. Even if you are making changes to your email address or mobile number, you must make sure to enable two-factor verification through the settings section on your email account.

Ending Note

So, we hope you find this blog well. In this blog post, we have covered the complete procedure for how you can set up 2-factor authentication in your Comcast email account. If you have a query related to the topic, you can get our team’s personal assistance. Our team of experts is available 24*7 at the help desk to provide the best feasible solution for your query. You can write us your query through email at info@contact-emails.com , or you can also live chat with our team through the chat box.

Also Read: How to Setup Comcast Business Email?